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Fast Facts


I'm originally from England, but I now live in Michigan, USA!

I was


Years old when I wrote my first program (Hello World in C++)!


I'm currently attending Central Michigan University (Class of 2023)


I play the trombone and have an instagram account dedicated to videos of me playing it!


I was born in Nottingham, England, where I lived for 9 years! In 2009, my father was offered a job out in America, and he took it!

On September 22, 2010, we made the big move and I have lived here ever since!

All of my family still lives in England, and I've only been back to visit once. However, I'm still not a US citizen (I am a permanent resident, though).

I'm scheduled to become a citizen in September of 2020. You're not eligible to apply until you've lived here for at least 10 years.

I am so thankful for the opportunities that I have been given. Being able to experience living in two separate countries is a wonderful blessing.

I'm a very open-minded individual always willing to try new experiences, and that makes me even more thankful for the life that I have been given.


As aforementioned in the cards above, I wrote my first computer program when I was 9 years old.

It was just after I moved to America. My dad taught me how to write both "Hello World!" and a calculator in C++.

Since that day, I have had a burning passion for computers and programming. I'm always creating new things, and my desire has only grown as I've become older.

I'm a logical thinker, and a problem solver. I love piecing together parts of a larger puzzle in order to create results.

I think ahead to create scalable and reliable systems that save my team time and effort in the long term.

Programming is by far one of my biggest hobbies. Usually after a long school day, I'll go back to my room and start programming to relieve my stress.

I would certainly describe myself as an aspiring software engineer. It's been a goal of mine since I started programming to do it as a career.

I dream of working in a progressive workplace using cutting edge technology to make the world a better place with a diverse team of all backgrounds.

College / Education

I currently attend Central Michigan University, class of 2023.

I'm earning a bachelors degree in Computer Science, with minors in Multimedia Design and Information Technology.

At the time of updating (June 2020), I have taken quite a few courses relevant to Computer Science. These are:

  • Intro to Data Structures
  • Object Oriented Analysis & Design
  • Computer Organization & Communications
  • Intro to Multimedia Design (2D Game Design/Development)
  • Advanced Multimedia Design (3D Game Design/Development)

I'm also going through my general education program at the same time as these classes.

I've been taking an average of ~20 credits a semester, and work 20 hours a week as well, so I certainly stay busy!

I'm also a member of the Chippewa Marching Band. I've met so many great people through that program and it's one of my favourite on campus organizations.

I was also given an opportunity to be a web developer for the school, so that is where I spend a lot of my time outside of class as well. (More info below)

Work Experience

I'm currently a Senior Web Developer / Student Manager for CMU Technology Operations (TechOps).

Our team creates and maintains web applications for internal offices around the university. We also create registration sites for certain CMU events.

As it is a student job, one of the things we aim to get out of it is knowledge of technologies as well as work experience.

The technologies we use are:

  • General Frontend Languages (HTML, CSS, JS)
  • Django (Python)
  • React.JS
  • PostgreSQL
  • Git/GitLab

We also aim to use the agile workflow during our day-to-day activities.

One of my main responsibilities as a student manager is to review other developers code and mentor them to grow as developers.

I use Google's Code Review guidelines when going over code and always encourage others to do the same.

I don't just review code however. I also write my own code to contribute to our projects, ensuring I meet our style guidelines and requirements as I go.

I also have taken on a DevOps role as a manager, in that I (along with another manager) am in charge of deploying our websites to our production servers.

That role has me learning new technologies in order to maintain our servers, including Nginx and Fabric.


I've been playing the trombone since 6th grade and absolutely love it.

I get involved in music wherever my schedule allows. I did marching band throughout highschool and am currently doing it in college.

I play lead trombone as part of one of the university jazz bands.

I was also part of the trombone choir (until COVID-19 happened and school became online)

I have an instagram account dedicated to my trombone playing! If you want to check it out: @johnnyleektrombone

Well, that's all you need to know about me!

I guess that means we're basically best friends now.